Senin, 10 November 2008

Self introspection in the Month of Ramadan

Shahabat the noble Kareena radhiallahu 'anhu said: Messenger of Allah shallallahu' margin-bottom: Written said:

إذا جاء رمضان فتحت أبواب الجنة وغلقت أبواب النار وصفدت الشياطين

"When Ramadan comes, the gates of heaven open, the gates of hell closed and the devils are chained."

The above was issued by Al-Imam Al-Sahih Bukhari rahimahullahu in his book of Ash-Shaum, chapter Yuqalu This Ramadhan Ramadhan au Syahru no. 1898, 1899. Issued also in the Bad'ul Khalqi, Shifatu chapter of Satan Junuduhu no. 3277. The Al-Imam Muslim rahimahullahu in his Sahih bringing them in the Ash-Shaum, and given the title babnya by Al-Imam An-Nawawi, no clashed Fadhlu Syahri. 2492.

Then open the door, ugliness Closed Doors
Arrival of Ramadan will be greeted with joyous by the human covet always believed that attendance and calculating coming days. Many of the priority and promised to be found in this noble month, among them such as in the word of our discussion in the rubric 'hadith' this time. And priority that the word in the above acquired since the beginning of Ramadan mubarak night as the heat in the Messenger Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written following:

إذا كان أول ليلة من شهررمضان صفدت الشياطين ومردة الجن, وغلقت أبواب النار فلم يفتح منها باب. وفتحت أبواب الجنة فلم يغلق منها باب, وينادي مناد: يا باغي الخير أقبل, ويا باغي الشر أقصر, ولله عتقاء من النار, و ذلك كل ليلة

"When the night comes from the initial month of Ramadan, devils and jinn, the jinn were very evil, the gates of hell are not covered pintupun there is one that is open, while the gates of heaven opened no one pintupun closed. And a terrible shout: 'O people who want Even good. O people who want evil tahanlah. 'And Allah has people that are exempt from Hell, that happens on every night. "(HR. At-Tirmidzi in his Sunan no. 682 and Sunan Ibn Majah in his no. 1682, dihasankan Ash-Syaikh Albanian rahimahullahu in Al-Misykat no. 1960)
In the blessed month of this crime in the earth more than a little, elf, goblin because of the evil handcuffed and tied, so they are not free to spread mischief in the middle of this human as they can do outside of Ramadan. In the days that Muslims worship tersibukkan with fasting that will break with lust. They also read tersibukkan with Al-Qur `an and other worship-worship. (Al-Mirqah, Ash-Syaikh Mulla 'Ali al-Qari in ta'liq Al-Misykat 1 / 783, no word. 1961)
Worship-worship is the soul train, clean and mensucikannya. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:

يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون

"O those who believe fasting is required over time as required to those before you, perhaps you should be cautious." (Al-Baqarah: 183)
Because many charities shalih done, as the speech-speech that both been abundant, and the doors and opened like gates of heaven. (Shifatu Shaumin Nabiyyi n fi Ramadan, pp. 18-19)
Meaning speech Prophet Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written word in the above صفدت الشياطين Satan is handcuffed. And that meant with the devil here is مردة الجن as the word in the history of At-Tirmidzi and Ibn Majah. مردة word is plural (more than two) of the word المارد العاتي الشديد namely, that it is imperious, lawlessness, wanton act again exceeded the limit (see Nihayah An-fi Gharibil hadith). So that only the devil were among the jinn from the very evil, as Satan from the human remains to wander.
We need to state this case, said Ash-Syaikh Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i rahimahullahu, so do you say: "We have some disputes and defamation in the month of Ramadan (and how it is said that devils handcuffed while there is still a crime? -pent).. "We were the responsibility that is the devil of a very evil genie. While devils are small and devils from the human remains were not roam. Similarly, the people who ordered the ugliness, friends seated bad habits and who are happy with defamation and battles. All these remain in the middle of the human, not terbelenggu except jin-jin who is evil. (Ijabatus Sa `il 'style Ahammil Period` il, pp. 163)
Al-Imam Ibn Khuzaimah rahimahullahu said in his Sahih (3 / 188): "Chapter designation information that only the desired Messenger Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written in sabdanya وصفدت الشياطين-jin is the evil genie, not all devils. Because the name of the devil sometimes given to some of them (not entirely dimaukan). "
In this blessed month that there are angels to good calleth and urged to reduce the ugliness, as in lafadz word:

وينادي مناد: يا باغي الخير أقبل, ويا باغي الشر أقصر

"O people who want Even good. O people who want tahanlah evil. "

The MERIT-word about Ramadan
The addition of many more who speak another word about the virtue of Ramadan. Among them we will mention the following:
1. From Kareena radhiallahu 'anhu said: Messenger of Allah Shallallahu' margin-bottom: Written said:

من صام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه

"Who fasting month of Ramadan on the situation in faith and hope the reward will be forgiven sins past." (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 1901 and Muslim no. 1778)
2. From 'Imran ibn Murrah al-Juhani radhiallahu' anhu, he said: Someone came to the Prophet Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written and said:

يا رسول الله, أرأيت إن شهدت أن لا إله إلا الله, وأنك رسول الله, وصليت الصلوات الخمس, وأديت الزكاة, وصمت رمضان, فممن أنا? قال: من الصديقين والشهداء

"O Messenger of Allah, what is your opinion when I testify that there is no sesembahan correct except Allah and I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah, I take five-time prayers, fasting and alms engage in the month of Ramadan, including the group in which I?" He said: "You among the shiddiqin and martyr." (HR. Al-Bazzar, Ibn Khuzaimah and Ibn Hibban in both Sahih, and lafadz mentioned is lafadz Ibn Hibban. Dishahihkan Ash-Syaikh Al-Albanian rahimahullahu in Sahih At-truck Targhib Tarhib no. 989)
3. From Kareena radhiallahu 'anhu, he said: The Messenger of Allah Shallallahu' margin-bottom: Written said:

أتاكم رمضان شهر مبارك, فرض الله عز وجل عليكم صيامه, تفتح فيه أبواب السماء وتغلق فيه أبواب الجحيم وتغل فيه مردة الشياطين, لله فيه ليلة خير من ألف شهر, من حرم خيرها فقد حرم

"Already on the Blessed month of Ramadan. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala require you to top of the fasting month. In the month of Ramadan opened the gates of heaven and closed the gates of hell and the devils were very bad. In this month Allah has a night better than a thousand months. Who is underway to get a good night, then he truly has been. "(HR. Ahmad, 2 / 385, An-Nasa` i no. 2106, dishahihkan Ash-Syaikh Al-Albanian in Sahih Sunan An-Nasa `i. See At Targhib new-truck Tarhib no. 985, Al-Misykat no. 1962)
4. From Kareena radhiallahu 'anhu, he said: The Messenger of Allah Shallallahu' margin-bottom: Written said:

الصلواة الخمس والجمعة إلى الجمعة ورمضان إلى رمضان, مكفرات ما بينهن, إذا اجتنبت الكبائر

"Prayers five times, Friday to next Friday and Ramadan to Ramadan next is the removal of sin between them, when promising big sins." (Muslim HR. no. 549)
However Sarissa priority for Ramadan with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala chose between the months to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala sent down His Book, a noble in the month of blessing, in the full glory of the night. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:

شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان

"Month of Ramadan, the month in which lowered (beginnings) Al-Qur` an as a guide for mankind, and explanations about the instructions and pembeda between the Haq with a falsehood. "(Al-Baqarah: 185)

إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر

"We have been down Al-Qur` an that on the night of Qadar (Night of Power). "(Al-Qadar: 1)

Fasting meant piety bear
Disyariatkannya fasting wisdom stated Subhanahu wa Ta'ala God in his word:

يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون

"O those who believe fasting is required over time as required to those before you, perhaps you should be cautious." (Al-Baqarah: 183)
Ash-Syaikh Abdurrahman bin Nasir Al rahimahullahu-Sa'di said: "The piety of fasting dikandung of them:
- Employees who leave the Ramazan what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala haramkan him as eating, drinking, Jima 'and semisalnya, while the soul is inclined to things that should be abandoned them. All that is done in order to build themselves to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, expects his reward. This includes piety.
- Employees of the fast train to feel the soul of the Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala (muraqabatullah), then leave what he wanted in his soul he is able to do so, because he knows the supervision of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala against him.
- Fasting is the way restrict the devil, because it is running on the children of Adam, such as circulation / blood flow. And fasting will weaken to shrink the road so that the act salary.
- People who use the practice of fasting is generally temporary practice obedience, including obedience temperament piety.
- Employees who feel rich, if not easy way to do smth hungry so it should be broad to provide / give charity to poor people who do not think. This also includes temperament piety. (Taisir Al-Rahman Karimir, pp. 86)
Thus really is not excessive when we say that the momentum of Ramadhan should be the initial step to improve the faith and piety to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then to faith and piety that continue dipupuk and treated in the next month. And do not let life separate from the sport and the invitation to come from the messenger of Ar-Rahman (the angel of death). Specifically, our population of this state should look in the mirror self-related accident that befall all of us, likewise falls came continuously, again susul follow. It is not all this upon us because unless our sins and away from our faith and piety to the Al-Khaliq.

ظهر الفساد في البر والبحر بما كسبت أيدي الناس ليذيقهم بعض الذي عملوا لعلهم يرجعون

"The damage appears in the land and at sea caused by the act of hand / man-made, so that God felt some of them due to their deeds, so that they return to the correct path." (Ar-Rum: 41)

وما أصابكم من مصيبة فبما كسبت أيديكم ويعفو عن كثير

"And what's befall you then it is caused by an act of God and you forgive yourself most of the mistakes you." (Ash-Grace Adele: 30)
Music befall this country as earthquake, tsunami, meletusnya volcanoes, landslides, mud spraying hot, and so is not because, over the authorities / government accusations as those witless or quasi-logy. However, precisely because of the sins that are in this country. Irrespective whether this disaster because of foreign engineering who want to overthrow and destroy this country as part of the analysis, or falls without a pure engineering, yet all ditimpakan by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala as a reprimand for us to return to Him. Rose from the black mud of sin and salary, and then to repent and ask forgiveness of Him.
A very lamentable, among many residents of this country are not aware of their salary falls with the overwrite. They even do kesyirikan practices, make offerings repellent troops who offered to the spirits of the ruler of the sea, the ruler of the mountain, the ruler of the land, and so forth. Na'udzubillah min dzalik!
In connection with the momentum as the month of Ramadan to increase the faith and piety, and the many associated with falls befalling this country, very good for us nukilkan advice from Samahatusy Syaikh Bin Baz rahimahullahu regarding the landslide that befall children of Adam, especially bumi1 earthquake. Hopefully this advice can be a muse for the children of this state.
Rahimahullahu He said: "Allah, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Own wisdom Knowing what he decided and set, as He is Own Hikmah Knowing in what He commanded syariatkan and. He creates what he desired form of signs him. He set it for the offenses-nakuti His servants and to remind them about his rights and warned them of kesyirikan, the resolution of his conduct and his ban. "
Furthermore, he stated: "It is doubtful that the earthquake that occurred on these days in many places / countries are some signs of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, that with God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala want offenses nakuti-slaves His. All of which falls to the earthquake occurred and other things that make the kemudharatan servants and cause disruption for them, is caused kesyirikan and salary. "

ما أصابك من حسنة فمن الله وما أصابك من سيئة فمن نفسك

"It's not a good menimpamu but it is not from God, and one evil, but because menimpamu RADIO yourself." (An-Nisa ': 79)
Ash-Syaikh Bin Baz rahimahullahu said: "What are obliged by all Muslims is repent to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, Aldo on religion and be careful of all the things that are prohibited form syirik and salary. So that they obtain remission, spaciousness, safety in the world and the Hereafter from all evil, and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala reject all of them female, and confer on them any good. As he said:

ولو أن أهل القرى آمنوا واتقوا لفتحنا عليهم بركات من السماء والأرض ولكن كذبوا فأخذناهم بما كانوا يكسبون

"If the population believe the country would be cautious and we opened for them blessings from heaven and earth, but they deny it then we punish them because of what they used to make an effort." (Al-A'raf: 96)
Then Syaikh menukilkan speech'Allamah Ibnul Al-Qayyim rahimahullahu: "At some time Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala allow the earth to breathe long. When the earthquake there were / are big jolt, causing fear in his servants, and they return to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and deprive themselves of the salary, humble to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and self-reproach, as the speech some Salaf when an earthquake: 'Surely you Rabb rebuke you.' When the earthquake occurred in the city of Medina, 'Umar ibnul Khaththab radhiallahu' anhu preach and give advice to residents of Medina and he said: 'If this earthquake occurred again, I will not live with you in the Medina '.
Ash-Syaikh Abdul 'Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz rahimahullahu menasehatkan: "When the earthquake and the signs of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala other, eclipse, blustery wind and flooding, which is obliged to repent to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala , Subject themselves to humiliating him and begged pardon / leisure and propagate His remember him and his Special on. As the speech Prophet Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written eclipse occurs when the word No by Al-Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim: "When you see the eclipse Take shelter with you REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH / remembering God, pray to Him and Special."
Also groove to give affection to the very poor and give them the word theorem Prophet Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written:

الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن, ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء

"Those who love (nature have RAHMAH) will be in a by Ar-Rahman. I think that there are people on earth would the heavens will have mercy on you. "2

من لا يرحم لا يرحم

"Who does not then he will not want to / in a." 3
He 'Umar ibn samygaye' Aziz rahimahullahu that he send a letter to the governor-gubernurnya when the earthquake happened to their meal.
Including of spaciousness and safety of all evil is to take hands with the government and people require them to uphold the truth and run the Sharia of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala on them and may amar ma'ruf nahi. As word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:

والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضهم أولياء بعض يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر ويقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة ويطيعون الله ورسوله أولئك سيرحمهم الله

"The mukminin and mukminat is part of their guardian / lovers for some others. They were ordered to prohibit the ma'ruf and from that in upholding their prayer, and charity and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are to be in a God. "(At-Taubah: 71)
And the Prophet Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written said:

من نفس عن مؤمن كربة من كرب الدنيا نفس الله عنه كربة من كرب يوم القيامة. ومن يسر على معسر يسر الله عليه في الدنيا والآخرة. ومن ستر مسلما ستره الله في الدنيا والآخرة. والله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه

"Who release a believer from one disaster / difficulties in the world, Allah will remove it from a disaster of the day. Who gave it easy for people who are in difficulty, Allah will provide facilities for the world and the Hereafter. Who close the ugliness / disability a Muslim, Allah will close cacatnya in the world and the Hereafter. And God always helps a servant for the servants to help his brother. "4
Therefore, the advice from the Ash-Syaikh Bin Baz-Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala he have mercy with His mercy that he vacate the area and in kuburnya, jeremiah-. May Allah have mercy Subhanahu wa Ta'ala population of this country and the falls from their ease and give them to repent and return to his religious right. Hopefully the people of this country take the valuable lessons in this blessed month, Ramadan nan full blessing, to add their faith and piety to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala until they become, the people who are exempt from the fire. Cor Simpson said.
Wallahu ta'ala a'lam bish-shawab

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